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Upcoming Events

An important part of the Christian life is living in community and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. With this in mind, Holy Comforter hosts parish and community events throughout the year. We do it all, from weekly Alanon meetings to our annual Christmas Concert.

Bookmark this page to stay up to date on special events occurring at Holy Comforter, and be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

Wednesday Dinners

Eat a great meal and enjoy fellowship prior to mass at 6:30pm. 

A great way to meet folks from church that you may not already know. It’s also a good way to get to know your church family better. Participants are divided into groups of no more than eight people. Groups plan their own meals and get together once a month for four consecutive months. You share meals at participants’ homes, at local restaurants, the church or wherever the group decides. The emphasis is on fun and fellowship, so you don’t have to be a gourmet cook to participate.

Dinner for Eight

January 18th Feed the Hungry

On the third Saturday of each month, Holy Comforter hosts a free breakfast for the poor, the homeless, and anyone else who walks through the doors. Breakfast is from 10am to 12pm. Attendees will also have time to access our food pantry.

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